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Name Transcript ID Alias Description Disease
N4BP2L2-IT2 N4BP2L2-IT2 CG030 N4BPL2 intronic transcript 2 _
NALT1 NALT1 TCONSN/Al2N/A00029132 NOTCH1 associated lncRNA in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia 1 _
NAMA ENST00000604258.1 N/A "non-protein coding RNA, associated with MAP kinase pathway and growth arrest" papillary thyroid carcinoma
NBAT1 NBAT1 NBAT-1 neuroblastoma associated transcript 1 Fighting Neuroblastomas ;breast cancer
NBR2 NBR2 NCRNA00192 neighbor of BRCA1 gene 2 (non-protein coding) breast cancer
NCBP2-AS2 NCBP2-AS2 N/A NCBP2 antisense RNA 2 (head to head) _
NCOA7-AS1 NCOA7-AS1 N/A NCOA7 antisense RNA 1 _
ncR-PAR NONHSAT102247 "NCRUPAR, ENSG00000225407" "non-protein coding RNA, upstream of F2R/PAR1" _
NCRUPAR NCRUPAR "ncR-uPAR, ncRuPAR, NCRNA00193" "non-protein coding RNA, upstream of F2R/PAR1" _
NDM29 lnc-C11orf16-1:1 29A "neuroblastoma differentiation marker 29 (Castelnuovo (2010), Pagano (2007))." neuroblastoma
NEAT1 ENST00000501122.2,NONHSAT022111 "MEN epsilon/beta, VINC, TncRNA, linc1317, ENSG00000245532" Nuclear enriched abundant transcript 1. infertility
NFIA-AS1 NFIA-AS1 RP5-833A20.1 NFIA antisense RNA 1 _
NIPBL-AS1 NIPBL-AS1 NIPBL-AS NIPBL antisense RNA 1 (head to head) autism spectrum disorders
NKILA NKILA N/A NF-kappaB interacting long non-coding RNA breast cancer
NKX2-2-AS1 NKX2-2-AS1 NKX2-2AS NKX2-2 antisense RNA 1 _
NOP14-AS1 NOP14-AS1 RES4-24 NOP14 antisense RNA 1 Huntington disease
NORAD NORAD N/A non-coding RNA activated by DNA damage _
NPHP3-AS1 NPHP3-AS1 N/A NPHP3 antisense RNA 1 _
NPPA-AS1 NPPA-AS1 N/A NPPA antisense RNA 1 _
NPSR1-AS1 NPSR1-AS1 "AAA1, IMAGE:4827585" NPSR1 antisense RNA 1 cardiovascular disease
NPTN-IT1 NPTN-IT1 lncRNA-LET NPTN intronic transcript 1 colorectal cancer; hepatocelluar carcinoma;squamous-cell lung carcinomas
NR2F1-AS1 NR2F1-AS1 FLJ42709 NR2F1 antisense RNA 1 _
NRAV NRAV N/A negative regulator of antiviral response (non-protein coding) influenza A virus (IAV) infection
NRIR ENST00000414795.1 lncRNA-CMPK2 negative regulator of interferon response (non-protein coding) _
NRON NONHSAT134764 ENSG00000253079 "non-protein coding RNA, repressor of NFAT" AIDS
NTT NONHSAT115106 noncoding transcript in T cells. _
NCF4-AS1 NCF4-AS1 CTA-833B7.2 NCF4 antisense RNA 1 recurrent miscarriage
NEXN-AS1 NEXN-AS1 C1orf118, FLJ90637 NEXN antisense RNA 1 lung cancer
NNT-AS1 NNT-AS1 N/A NNT antisense RNA 1 colorectal cancer cells
NIFK-AS1 NIFK-AS1 N/A NIFK antisense RNA 1 _